Polyjuice Potion is a mixture that allows one to take on the form of another person for a short period of time. The potion is advanced and time consuming, after brewing it has to ferment and stew for nearly a…
Polyjuice Potion Smoothie

Polyjuice Potion is a mixture that allows one to take on the form of another person for a short period of time. The potion is advanced and time consuming, after brewing it has to ferment and stew for nearly a…
Don’t be scared—bananas have always made great binders and egg-replacers! Why should they be reserved for the sweet stuff? This gem was uncovered EatMeDaily.com and came from a publication by the Meloripe Fruit Company. The leaflet read “From Bananas: How…
During the Japanese occupation of the Phillipines, American brands weren’t accessible. Instead, the Filipinos came up with creative alternatives to their favorite American products. Banana Ketchup was one of those creations. It remained so popular that it become mass produced…