Day 9 of the Vegan Month of Food (sorry, I took Day 8 off) There is no shortage of Peanut Butter Cookie Recipes on the internet, vegan or otherwise. Also, I’m sure these cookies aren’t the first of of their…
Vegan Honey Roasted Peanuts
I generally try to dig up a little bit of history on dishes and treats with each post, sending you away with a nugget of information planted deep in your grey matter. Unfortunately, I cannot find where Honey Roasted Peanuts…
Perfect Vegan Peanut Brittle
Brittle is a type of sugar, heated to the hard crack stage (300°F). I strongly suggest you use a candy thermometer for this, it is far too easy to ruin a batch of candy. There seems to be such an…
Peanut Butter and Jelly Granola
Ever since the 1960s, when they started adding fruit and nuts to it, granola has been synonymous with health food and hippies. Though, modern granola is miles from being a health food, drenched in honey and filled with preservatives—not the…